Bournemouth Echo : Work Firm Making Luxury Coronavirus Masks


We must admit, when we found out that our luxury, handmade Face Masks were going to be featured in the Bournemouth Echo, we weren’t quite prepared for the full colour double page spread that our image was awarded!

We literally laughed out loud when we saw Jess’ full page face in print (and online) but we were so chuffed and grateful for all of the orders that then followed after the article debuted!

‘ …With most of its client activities on hold, the Ferndown-based business has rapidly switched to making pure cotton face coverings.

Within weeks, it has built an online store and been approached by businesses looking to get their own staff back to work.’

We’re all originally from Dorset and so this made the coverage from our favourite daily paper that little bit extra special.

Massive thanks to Darren and team! Email:

If you’re interested in featuring 4Couture ‘in the press’ then feel free to drop us an email, we’re always looking for support and would be happy to contribute :